Prophecies of Nostradamus

The Antichrist

The Antichrist

a. Antichrist's rise to power in Middle East
b. Antichrists' unified monetary system
c. Antichrist's seizure of Asia
d. Antichrist's cultural eradication & European campaign
e. Antichrist's ravage of the Catholic Church
f. Antichrist's invasion of Turkey
g. Switzerland alarmed by Antichrist's Nazism in Germany
h. International (non)reaction to the Antichrist

a. Antichrist's rise to power in Middle East

I p189 (cIII-34)

The Antichrist will spend many years working silently behind the
scenes to consolodate his power, and make his appearance onto the
international arena once the structure is in place. He will have
planned carefully and the countries he goes against will be
unprepared for his golden-tongued treachery.

I p 190 (cVIII-77)

The Antichrist is the power behind the scenes, pulling the strings,
and has not yet made his move to reveal himself. He is like a spider
waiting for his time, taking advantage of the world situation to make
his move. 

I p 180 

When his time comes he will take advantage of the political situation
in a country to rise to power. It will not matter that he is not a
native of the country. He will take advantage of loopholes and
contrive positions. He may aggressively and audaciously seize a
position  in a military organization after his uncle dies, for

I p 234 (cI-34)

The Antichrist will foment rebellions within the countries he's aiming
to take over. He will allow the various political splinter groups to
believe he supports their cause, when he is actually playing them
against each other. The countries will turn in on themselves,
weakening them for his outside conquest.

I p 219 (cII-23)

The Antichrist will take over Iran by using a human decoy to trick the
Ayatollah in power. This will involve the "yes men" and sycophants of
the Ayatollah's court. The Antichrist will first drive away internal
supporters of the Ayatollah by starting a civil war. Then he will put
forth a man as a leader, a man for Iranians loyal to the Ayatollah to
concentrate their hate on. The man will be assassinated while Iran is
being taken over, and his opponents will think they have foiled the
overthrow of power by assassinating him. But they will find out later
he was merely a decoy and that they played into the plans of the

I p 211 (cII-81)

The Antichrist will initially obtain power in his own sphere, Asia,
and the Middle East. As he grows out of this arena, i.e. into Europe,
the next step will be into the Mediterranean, approaching from the
south, his area of strength. Because of his Middle Eastern heritage
he will have already united North Africans, who are sympathetic to his
cultural background, with his Asian and Middle Eastern conglomerate.

b. Antichrists' unified monetary system

I p 219 (cI-40)

The Antichrist will start uniting the monetary systems of his region
to help merge them into a single political entity. His ambition to
rule the world will be advanced by instituting a single currency with
others going defunct. There will be a resistance to this,
particularly by a popular, charismatic leader from Egypt, demanding
the edict and law be withdrawn that requires the Arab nations give up
their currencies and be submissive to the unified political

c. Antichrist's seizure of Asia

I p 189 (cIV-50)

The Antichrist will take over Asia by appointing subcommanders to rule
vast tracts of land for him. But their ties to him will be masked and
the world will not realize they are merely puppets until a succession
of them are installed in the place of predecessors. At first the U.S.
will not interfere because it is thought the government was freely
chosen by the people, but only later realize the leaders were forced
on the populace as mouthpieces and tools for the Antichrist.

I p 188 (cIII-95)

Russia will be his first major Asian
conquest and he will do it not through force but through guile and
his  compelling persuasiveness. He will trick the Russians to come
under his power and there will be nothing they can do about it. They
will think they are acting in their own best interests. The Middle
East will be mostly under his control before he turns to Russia. Then
he turns to China and the rest of the Asian continent, to build a
position to take over the entire world. He will not trick the Chinese
but will some other method.

d. Antichrist's cultural eradication & European campaign

I p194 (cII-15)

When the second pope is assassinated, the Antichrist will begin his
European campaign. The Prime Minister of Britain and the U.S.
President will  go into consultation over the matter. They will meet
at sea like Churchill and Roosevelt did for better security and
secrecy of the meetings.

I p 211 (cII-81)

During the use of his weapons and the ravages of war,  one of the
devastatingly effective plans of attack by the Antichrist is to
threaten the destruction of the victim's cultural centers, not so
much physical destruction of the populace. Because the population
attributes great  value to places and artifacts with large historical
and cultural  significance, the terrorist-extortionist technique will
be very powerful in striking fear into his foe and "bringing them to
their knees".

To put Europe into an initial shock, he will begin to smash and
destroy the city of Rome to rubble via aerial bombing raids. It will
be destroyed to such an extent that the "seven hills of Rome" will be
levelled. Rome will be be so annhilated as to be  threatened by an
encroachment from the sea, destroying all that is left.

He will also threaten the cultural centers of Greece and the great
Greek cultural centers of learning, including Athens. Most cultural
treasures and major  metropolitan centers of the entire peninsula
will be destroyed. The world leaders will be momentarily shocked and
paralyzed by his barbarity. In the presense of their indeciveness and
absence of their action he will make great strides in taking over
territory and governments. The Antichrist will continually use
shocking and unprecedented moves like these to advance his domination
throughout the entire WWWIII.

The eradication of cultural treasures also fits in with the
Antichrist's ulterior motive of wiping out the established culture to
supplant it with his own, like the Moors attempted when they invaded
Spain, except in his case on the level of an entire continent.

I. p226 (cII-84)

Drought and weather changes will take place during the time of
troubles. The Antichrist will take over Italy and Greece by
destroying the cultural centers to devastate morale of the subjugated

e. Antichrist's ravage of the Catholic Church

I p214 (cV-43)

In addition to the cultural destruction of European cultural centers, 
the Antichrist will ransack the Vatican library with the intent of
ultimately  destroying it. He will do this to undermine the authority
of the Vatican and break up the power fragments that remain. One way
he will do this is by revealing important, controversial material
hidden in the Vatican library that the Catholic church will be seen
to have suppressed because of the threat to its authority. This will
cause major schisms in the church as priests and students turn
against each other in their theories and interpretations of the new
material. The confusion and chaos will remove the Catholic church as
an obstacle to the Antichrist's plans.

I p215 (cI-62)

The ransacking of the Vatican library by the Antichrist will bring to
light and  open to the world information, facts, and knowledge that
had been suppressed for several centuries. Even though he uses
violence, the Antichrist will actually be  burning off his karma
because of the positive effects of the release, starting a new cycle,
higher cycle of his karma.

I p216 (cII-12)

The people involved with the Catholic church, particularly the
priests, will cling to the old order even though it is not viable and
dead as far as working within the reality of the changed times. The
Antichrist and the last pope will be "robbing blind" the Church. The
Antichrist will desecrate and raid the Vatican library and cart away
the treasures of the church to help fund his armies. The Catholic
church will become totally superfluous, and contribute to its own 

f. Antichrist's invasion of Turkey

I p 209 (cV-25)

When the Catholic Church in Rome is finally destroyed in a devastating
but mysterious "Act of Nature",  people will be distracted from
noticing the more important event of the time, the Antichrist
invading Turkey.

I p 222 (cII-29,V-54)

After the destruction in Italy wrought by the Antichrist, he will go
over the mountains through France via airplane. He will attack Europe
from the south because he will have the solid backing of the Islamic
world and will already have bloodily subjugated North Africa and the
Middle east. He will set up regional headquarters in Turkey, and
other outposts, to rule and advance further conquests.

g. Switzerland alarmed by Antichrist's Nazism in Germany

I p 220 (cI-61)

While the Antichrist is in the process of taking over Europe, he will 
back the Nazi party in Germany. The current popularity of Nazism
among the youth of Germany will lay the groundwork for this.
Eventually Switzerland will become alarmed and break its
centuries-old tradition of neutrality, taking the side against the
Antichrist and actively fighting.

I. p 229 (cII-39)

Infiltrators, spies, and traitors in Germany, France, Spain, and Italy
will be secretly working for the Antichrist's cause of taking over
Europe. The education establishment will be abandoned because it is
unsupportable during wartime.

h. International (non)reaction to the Antichrist

I p 220 (cII-96)

Diplomatic foul-ups in other countries will permit the Antichrist to 
attain greater power. In the beginning, when he does not have a broad
base of power but is building on it, those in power elsewhere who can
do something about it will hesitate until it is too late. Even though
people realize he wields great power "from the dark side", his 
demonic hatred and magnetism will enhance the fatal attraction. He
will advance his campaign by invading and conquering neighboring
countries, particularly because of the political turmoil and
instability of the realm. Eventually he will subdue the entire Asian
continent under his rule. The Antichrist will be in this period of
increasing his power during the visit of the comet visible from the
Northern hemisphere in about 1997.

I p 225 (cI-37)

The U.S. will vacillate in dissension during the conquests of the
Antichrist. Its  power, influence, and "can do" capabilities will
have diminished in the international arena at the time. The populace
will argue over involvement vs. noninvolvement. Shipping will be very
dangerous because of submarine warfare practiced by the Antichrist.
Enemy soldiers in foreign ports will foul up sea-based commerce. Many
decisive battles in his wars will involve seaports. Many people will
die far away from home in the war.

I p 224 (cIII-7)

The various weaker countries threatened by the Antichrist's
imperialism will call on stronger ones for help, like the U.S. which
will initially be neutral and uncommitted. The Antichrist will be
attempting to take over part of the world using aerial warfare. In
one battle in the night a squadron of unmarked planes will rebuff his
advance, sent secretly by the U.S.

I p213 (cV-86)

Responsive, proactive countermeasures could have prevented the
destruction caused by the Antichrist but the political and diplomatic
strife among the Western powers will have failed to have "nipped the
situation in the bud". England and the U.S. will have enough military
power to confront the Antichrist but because of lack of consensus
neither will act quickly. A newly established alliance between the
two is only in its infancy at the time, and the powers have not
established the authority of overall decision-making in time. Also, a
breakdown in communications and transportation will cause important
political analysts to be cut off from advising the leaders. Meanwhile
the Antichrist will be making conquests in leaps and bounds.

Cast & Characters - The Antichrist - Time of Troubles - Scientific Achievements - WW-III - Earth Shift - Grab Bag

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