Change the Typical role of your computer
If you have 24MB or more RAM, you can optimise performance by selecting Network server as the typical role of your computer.
1. Open Control Panel > System > Performance > File System.
2. On the Hard Disk Tab, select Network Server as Typical role of this computer.
The setting you use controls the size of various internal data structures used by the 32-bit file access driver (VFAT).
When you use the Mobile Or Docking System setting, VFAT allocates memory to record the 16 most recently accessed folders and the 337 most recently accessed files. This consumes approximately 4KB of memory.
When you use the Desktop Computer setting, VFAT allocates memory to record the 32 most recently accessed folders and the 677 most recently accessed files. This consumes approximately 8KB of memory.
When you use the Network Server setting, VFAT allocates memory to record the 64 most recently accessed folders and the 2729 most recently accessed files. This consumes approximately 16KB of memory.